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Cardinal Tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi)

Cardinal Tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi)


One of the most popular and instantly recognizable freshwater aquarium fish, the Cardinal Tetra originates from the dark, acidic waters of the Negro and Orinoco River basins in Brazil, Colombia, and Venezuela. In the wild, they are often found in large aggregations of hundreds to thousands of individual fish alongside other tetra species in very shallow waters, but the species is now widely bred in captivity and will adapt to a range of conditions in the aquarium. With their vivid red and blue coloration, peaceful demeanor, and schooling behavior, the Cardinal Tetra is one of the best aquarium fish species in the hobby for beginners and experienced hobbyists alike and makes for an impressive display in a large group, Best kept in groups of at least 10 or more fish, they will get along with most other peaceful tankmates and will thrive in most setups. Darker substrate, plenty of cover, and a varied high quality diet will ensure the Cardinal Tetra displays their most vivid coloration in the aquarium.

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